Multnomah Falls Loop #2 OR

Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Troutdale OR. Created by a cataclysmic blast of glacial lake water 15,000 years ago, the Columbia River flows through one of the few east-west canyons in the world. Some 77 waterfalls tumble off ridges and sheer walls that soar 2,000 feet above the river. Included in this hydrospectacular bounty is the larg- est concentration of high waterfalls in North America. No wonder the Columbia River Gorge between Oregon and Washington was designated America’s first National Scenic Area.

Multnomah Falls is the emperor of Columbia Gorge waterfalls with a year- round plunge of 620 feet in two sheer drops. This is the biggest natural attraction in the Pacific Northwest with two million visitors each year. And right there in the middle of every photo is a bridge.


While building the Columbia River Highway engineer and landscape architect Samuel Lancaster often mused about the possibility of building a footbridge across the lower cascade. When highway benefactor Simon Benson was visiting the site Lancaster mentioned his vision for a bridge 105 feet in the air. The lumber baron reached for his checkbook and Oregon soon had its most-photographed piece of architecture. Bridge designer Karl Billner gave the 52-foot concrete bridge a 45-foot parabolic arch span with a balustrade railing simpatico to the main bridges on the Historic Columbia River Highway.


Most of the two million visitors won’t venture past the overlook at Multnomah Falls Lodge. Many will go to the historic Benson Bridge across the middle and far fewer will even follow the switchbacking paved path for 1.2 miles to the very top of the iconic cataract.


But your trail dog will want more. Continue on the Larch Mountain Trail (#441) into the lush old growth forest, passing more waterfalls. In less than one mile, link into the Wahkeena Trail (#420) for the walk back down. Fairy Falls, a lovely fan-style waterfall, highlights this leg of the canine hike. Near the bottom of the 4.8-mile loop the natural surface trail passes hard by the 242-foot Wahkeena Falls that squeezes through a moss-covered volcanic cliff. That will give your dog over 1,000 feet of waterfalls for only a few hours purchase.